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"Village Treasures"

Reagan Word Artist Statement

Visiting Arizona 1987, the Village of Oak Creek was a big wow moment! The village views were my first peek into the wonders of Red Rock Country. A sculpture marking this entry point seems most appropriate, highlighting the red rocks, our junipers, cacti and hummingbirds, some of our priceless village treasures. THE TREASURES: Inspite of their defense system of sharp spines the cactus provide nourishment for many high desert creatures with its pads and prickly pear fruit. Cactus blossoms in the spring are delights for residents and visitors alike. The hummingbirds that visit them deserve honorable mention as well. They are super pollinators visiting as many as a thousand plants a day and are the acrobats of the bird family, able to fly forward or backward with wing beats of 50 times per second. The National Hummingbird Society has even made their headquarters here in the Village of Oak Creek where hummingbirds abound as they make their yearly migrations. In addition, the sculpture salutes our awe-inspiring red rocks and one of the patriarchs of our landscape, the juniper, who clings tirelessly to the rock crevices on our stone monuments. Juniper berries supply food for many desert inhabitants and have been used medicinally in many of our native American cultures. It seems important to mark the beginning of red rock country with “Village Treasures” and its star players, the cactus, hummingbirds, juniper, and the red rocks.


The sculpture is H 13’ x L 16’ x W 9’ constructed of Core-ten steel and highlighted with stainless steel cactus blossoms anodized in a rich cadmium yellow. The sculpture will be engineered for longevity and should require very little maintenance. 

You can view a youtube video of this art piece at this link:   VILLAGE TREASURES

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Artist Biography

1967 Graduated from the University of Texas with a Bachelor of Architecture Degree

1974 Licensed as an Architect in the State of Texas

*Additional Biographical information available for years 1973 – 2013 at

2014 Winner of the Schnebly Hill Roundabout Art Competition.

2014 Presentation to OLLI pertaining to The Open Gate Roundabout Sculpture.

2015 The Open Gate sculpture was installed in the Schnebly Hill Road Roundabout.

2016 Retired from architectural rendering to work on sculpting and painting fulltime.

2016 Became an artist in residence at L’Auberge Resort, Sedona, Arizona

2018 A brief history of Sedona’s Open Gate sculpture and the philosophy of the art included in the book, Year in Sedona, At Wisdoms Edge by Melanie Lee.

2018 The Wheel of Life installed in Uptown Sedona, AZ adjacent to the Sedona

Chamber of Commerce. 2019 Winner of Uptown Roundabout Competition Art Competition

2020 Presentation to OLLI pertaining to Uptown Sedona Murmuration Sculptures.

2021 Installation of the Eagle Dancer sculptures in Uptown Sedona.

2023 Commissioned to do a panoramic wall relief for the Sedona Airport Overview.

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